Solid tool for phenotypes detection, allowing to perform “on the fly” analysis.
Solid tool for phenotypes detection, allowing to perform “on the fly” analysis.
Already during BACMED® 6i measuring and data-gathering procedure, expert system can evaluate circumstances referring to specific phenotypes (such as zone synergies or specific SIR combinations).
Advance in technology.
There are many findings, however some of them require further confirmation, are very valuable for treatment decision.
Sentinel Expert System performs thousands of calculations in no time, far away from what any human can do.
Re-interpretation: Fixing irrelevant results regarding to phenotype findings.
Optional functionality, which may change interpretation of test results. Once set, in a full-automatic mode the
system can prevent potential treatment failure.
Entire system can be customized to fulfill any local directives and recommendations.
Example: Result list corrected by expert system.
Phenotype-based interpretation “cutback” for sample with cAmpC CTXM15 ESBL Qnr SHV 1-10 and TEM-1. (Just part of result is showed on image)
In this particular example, few discs were marked as resistant by expert system, in order to avoid using them in treatment (in our case Cefoxitin, Cefoperazon - Sulbactam and few others).